Janetta Maxwell

Author, "God and The Egg"

About 'God and the Egg' book for children

How does the Holy Trinity work? Take a trip to Grandma's farm with Maddek, where we will learn how God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one in this delightful story about God and the egg.

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About Janetta

Janetta Maxwell and her husband blended their families together over twenty years ago. She is a mother of three boys and has eight grandchildren: five girls and three boys. Not only are they a blended family, but they are also a multi-racial family.

She loves teaching all of them about Christ, bringing the Bible to life in ways that children can understand. When she was a child, she made a profession of faith, but it wasn't until she was a young adult that she accepted Christ as her Savior.

She enjoys serving in her local church teaching Sunday school. Recently, God called her to share her Bible stories with others.

Her church has a motto: "Love God, Love People." It is something she truly believes and tries to live by.
She prays this story will be a blessing to you and your family.

